Oracle does not support Mysql Workbench in M1 and I have installed MongoDB with Rossetta 2
I have used Mac from 2019 for working and I felt inconvenient to use a window laptop when I write codes(Many softwares support convenient tools in Mac).
I finished my work in Vietnam and give back mac. So, I have decided to buy a new one with M1 Mac.
I have installed some softwares like Python, Node.js, VS Code, Jupyter Notebook, and today, MySQL & MongoDB. There were small problems to install those things in M1 chip.
Frankly, it was not difficult to install MySQL with CLI, brew install mysql. I think Oracle support mysql with CLI.
However, the problem is to install Workbench in M1 environment.
It does not support to ARM Architecture right now, and I have found the other way to use this. (If you tried to install workbench in M1 Mac, you will see error message of Workbench installation.)
To use MySQL GUI, I choose to install Sequel Pro. It supports MySQL GUI for free.
It works almost the same way of Workbench, and I expect to use this one until Oracle supports Workbench in M1.
Above all, you should change the root user password in the mysql environment.
you will use the same password of your laptop password when you install mysql with brew install, but here is a small problem that it will not be recognized in M1, because M1 supports MySQL native password, so that you should changed the password using this SQL command line below.
ALTER user ‘username’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘changing password’;
Congratulation! You can access the Sequel Pro GUI now!
Installing MySQL needs a little patience to me but MongoDB is more difficult at the first time.
I tried the same way which I have installed MySQL but Mongo DB cannot install it in M1 Environment.
What now? How can I setup MongoDB?
The first step to install MongoDB is to change the setting of mac terminal.
You should open finder and find “Utility” at the top menu.
You should access Finder > Move > Utility.
Make the copy of terminal and change the name of it. then type out “Command + i” and check the app info.
You can click “Open with Rosetta” then the terminal can automatically be applied of Rosetta.
If you finished the setting, then everything is ready to install MongoDB.
Open the Rosetta Terminal and write down “brew install mongodb-community@4.4”… and what? you must see the error.
The Error mentioned that we must add “arch -arm64” at the front of the brew install command line.
Follow the error sentence. I write “arch -arm64 brew install mongodb-community@4.4” then I can successfully install MongoDB.
If you need MongoDB Compass(GUI), it does not need any translator to install. It works without problems.
There were not so much information to install MySQL and MongoDB with M1.
So I believe this post will be so helpful for beginners.
Thanks for reading!